This home is located in a residential area 3 miles from UNM and close to bike paths, a bus stop, and both highways. It's in a quiet neighborhood, and there is a large park just around the corner. Front yard has grass and bushes, and in the back is a gorgeous patio with shade sail and natural landscaping with trees, vines, bushes, and garden (all on a drip system). The house has wood floors in the living room, dining room, and 3 of the bedrooms, and the kitchen and full bathroom have tile floors. The fourth bedroom is carpeted and is next to a 3/4 bathroom and laundry room. Kitchen comes with a counter/island and oak cabinet, and remainder of the house is unfurnished. There are two swamp coolers in the house and a gas furnace, both programmable.This is privately owned and not managed by a property rental company. This property allows self guided viewing without an appointment its a very nice house for more information contact 504.882.5561