3 Bedroom
1.5 Bathroom
1000 - 1200 sq. ft.
Ukiah, CA 95482
3 BR, 1.5 BA House in Ukiah CA. Two car garage was turned into an extra room with storage (could be used as a playroom or a recreation area), or you could convert it back into a garage. House has central air and heat. Laundry room is off of the kitchen. There is a dining/kitchen combo. The house is carpeted, through the living room, hall, and bedrooms. One full bath in the hallway, 1/2 bath off of the master bedroom. The heater, stove, and dryer are gas. The rest of the appliances are electric. Utilities are serviced by both P.G. and E. and the City of Ukiah. Garbage and Sewer are through the City of Ukiah. Front Yard is landscaped with trees, shrubs, and bark. Backyard has a small play house (that could be used for tools, garden supplies, etc.), garden boxes, trees, and shrubs (no grass). We would like the renter to water, and take care of the yard. We will be upgrading the house and yard as needed.
Monthly Rent
Rent Includes
Air Conditioner
| Fenced Yard
| Patio
| Garage
| Storage
Lease Period
Over 12 Month
Photos Not Provided
April Parry
Phone #:
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