3 Bedroom
2 Bathroom
1600 - 1800 sq. ft.
Kaneohe, HI 96744
This beautifully appointed Executive Residence has an open floor plan and breathtaking views of Kaneohe Bay and the lush forest that the property borders. The H-3 freeway, Pali and Likelike highways are easily accessible and minutes away. These corridors through the Koolaus will quickly get you to your destinations at MCBH, Pearl Harbor, Hickam, Camp Smith, downtown Honolulu, Waikiki, `Aloha Stadium. The newly remodeled 3 bedroom 2 bath, with mountain tradewinds, is 960 square feet w/120 square foot lanai and sits on a 4707 square foot lot. Waterproof wood plank flooring, ceiling fans, French door refer, subway tiled back splashes and stainless appliances, granite counters, For more inquiries contact: 571 520 1010
Monthly Rent
Rent Includes
Lease Period
Month to Month
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Peacefulheartie Inc.
Phone #:
(571) 520 1010
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