1 Bedroom
2 Bathroom
800 - 1000 sq. ft.
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
A very large 1 bedroom apartment for rent. It has a very large living room and dinnig room with a large usable unfinished basement that could be used for storaged or exta living space. (2 plus people could live in this unit ). Landlord supplies all the appliances including a washing machine and dryer. There is a small bathroom on the main level and a shower, toilet and sink in the base ment as well. The apartment is close to the bus stop, Jennie Edmundson Hospital, Hoover, Kirn, and AL school.
Monthly Rent
Rent Includes
| Off-Street Parking
| Public Trans.
| Garage
| Storage
| | |
Lease Period
Month to Month
Photos Not Provided
penny and tony phillips
Phone #:
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